New Law is another Weapon in the Battle against Opioid Addiction
Jodi Barber and her husband this week received the best 30th anniversary present they could hope for. Better than a second honeymoon, their gift is a law designed to curtail our spiraling opioid epidemic. Called CURES, the statewide database records opioid prescriptions and is built to prevent addicts from something known as “doctor shopping,” amassing prescriptions from different physicians. (Please click image to read article)
In this week’s address, Grammy Award-winning artist Macklemore joined President Obama to discuss a disease that affects far too many Americans: addiction.
A controversial Laguna Niguel physician who once described himself as the “guru” of prescribing mood-stabilizers to treat substance abusers has, for the second time, been placed on five years probation by the Medical Board of California. – OC Weekly
Obama talks about preventing substance abuse
Prescription Drug and Heroin Use on the Rise in OC
Doctor from Rowland Heights up for murder
Dr. LisaTseng from Rowland Heights. Several South Orange County teens hooked on opiates because of her reckless prescribing. – Read Everything Here
Jodi Barber and Sherrie & Aaron Rubin on Joy in Our Town
StopB4UStart, The Parents perspective..
CA Consumer Group Proposing Doctors on Probation Notify Patients – NBC San Diego
Team 10: Push for doctors to disclose probation before treatment – Consumer’s Union launched a national petition
Mother Of Son Who Died Of Drug Overdose Speaks Out About Doctor Being Sentenced For Murder – CBS Los Angeles
California counties sue drug manufacturers over narcotics marketing – Eyewitness News ABC7
With rise in young painkiller abusers, officials see more heroin overdoses – California Watch
Moms lose teen sons to Rx overdose

Consumer Watchdog-California Medical Board Votes Unanimously To Support A Bill Requiring Doctors Check A Patient’s Prescription History Before Prescribing Powerful, Addictive Medications
Teen Drug Awareness – Overtaken looks at the rising trend of teens abusing prescription drugs.
The unusual murder trial of a Los Angeles doctor enters its second day, as Dr. Lisa Tseng faces a second-degree murder charge after some of her patients died of overdoses from prescriptions she ordered.
Victims came to my home to speak about the Dirty Doctor