We visited hundreds of schools with the Overtaken School Presentation. Is it not time that we come to your school as well? Contact me for more details!
After my son passed away, I received an email from his high school health teacher asking to come to his class and share Jarrods story. I brought along a young man fresh in his recovery. We shared how addiction can take a life quickly and where the drugs lead to. Realizing most of the students had never heard of the opiate that my son was hooked on and which eventually took his life, I soon realized we had to continue educating kids and parents. Kids relate with young adults. The numerous questions for Cole reached a whole new level of educating!! Through the years, Cole has remained clean and has saved thousands of young lives!
Red Ribbon Week 8th Graders watching Overtaken and listening to Aisha Armer and Jodi Barber
Don Juan Middle School Presentation 2016
Overtaken Parent night. Panel of speakers included Robert Marshall, Aisha Armer, Tanya Brown and Jodi Barber
I was wondering if after this coven was over if there was a way you could do a presentation at Beverly middle school in Beverly Massachusetts I’m not sure if you travel that far or where you’re from to be honest. My sons dad overdosed in 2012, my brother John in 2016 and so many of my friends. I am 40 and my first love Paul overdosed in 2008. That was my first loss. What really gets me is the kid….12, 16 and 23 have suffered losses from overdoses and this scares me.